Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Aiden turned 5!

So yesterday was Aiden's 5th birthday and we had such a fun day. The day started out with a present for great grammy and papa sent from AZ, which he totally loved! Then we got ready for the day and went to his school at 8:30am for a field trip. We went to the Puyallup Fair grounds and learned about animals and farming and we even got to see and pet animals. It was allot of fun and such great timing a field trip on his birthday. We got back to his school around 1pm, went home and met my mom. Then my mom, Lyle, Aiden and I went shopping and of course Aiden got totally spoiled. They basically let him pick out what ever he wanted, clothes, toys, snacks. It was funny watching him because he really didn't know what to do with himself. After Aiden's shopping spree we went to Chucky Cheese and met Uncle Sean there too. We had a blast at chucky cheese, lots of games, pizza and cake. Finally we got back home around 5 to spend the rest of his bday with daddy. It felt like a REALLY long day but it was super fun!

Aiden also had a party for his birthday on Saturday. It was pretty low key, which to me means less stress =) He got lots of cool stuff and got to hang out with his favorite people for the day. Thank you everyone for coming!

Today I went to Briarwood Elementary and registered Aiden for kindergarten. I still can't believe he is starting this chapter is his life already! He also is officially out of the baby/toddler section of clothes. We had to shop in the boys section in Target SOOOoo weird.

Anyway thank you everyone for making this birthday so special for Aiden. He is a really lucky boy to have such great friends and family.

This is at his field trip

We got to pet a chicky

Playing games at Chucky Cheese with uncle Sean's help.

Aiden was pretty good at air hockey =)

I had to take a pciture.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Random Updates

I went out to a girls dinner last night to say good bye to our friend Robbin she is moving to Georgia. While at dinner I was informed that it has been to long since my last blog posting so I figured I would type something up while I wait for it to get closer to dinner time.

Most of you already know, but I will say it anyway I was laid off from my job 9 days after my boss switched me to part time. Which is totally silly why didn't you just lay me off from the beginning? O'well it is what it is. We decided to keep Aiden in his Junior Kindergarten program it is very important to us and not that much money. I am of course on unemployment which helps. I have been applying for jobs EVERYDAY all mostly relating to admin type of work. I have not received one phone call or email back, I can only imagine all the resumes these companies are getting. So I have started to try and be more creative, I added testimonials from past clients that Moshe and I worked with and starting putting in the subject line of the email with my resume "A perfect Administrative Assistant!". Whatever helps me stand out...right =) If anyone has any others ideas please let me know.

Aiden and I have been enjoying our times together. We have gone to the park a couple times, gone over to Dionne's and played with Amya. We also had Riley for her whole mid-winter break which was awesome. Oh yeah and we went to the Bouncy Place, which is a huge warehouse with tons of different blow toys the kids and I had TONS of fun and it was really cheap, my perfect kind of day! We also have been preparing for Aiden's birthday, and I must say this birthday has been a emotional one I just can't believe he is turning 5 and starting kindergarten so soon, I have SO many things on my mind and so many concerns about wanting him to get started on the right foot and have a positive attitude about school, it is just SUPER important to me and I really hope I do everything in my power to encourage him and don't realize it when it is to late. Speaking of emotional I almost cried looking at lunch boxes at Target thinking about Aiden bringing lunch to school and eating in a cafeteria.

Luke is doing good trying to stay busy at work, it has slowed down allot. Doing side jobs on the weekend whenever they are available. We booked our condo for Kauai two days ago, we are SOOoo excited to finally get that booked and paid for it was a very hard decision where to stay but we ended up right next door to T&T and saved several hundred dollars which was awesome. The whole trip is paid for now (except spending money) and we can't wait!

Funny story.....So I went to pick up Aiden from school today and his teacher was like "I have to tell you what Aiden said today" and she showed me this book with kittens and the kittens were doing cute things, she said "I showed the kids the pictures and asked them what they thought the kittens were doing", Aiden looked at the kitten stretching and said "Pilates!". That's my boy!

All in all, we are trying to stay positive through this unstable time and make the most of it. Everything always seams to work it self out.

PS...If anyone has any creative ideas for applying for new jobs, I am open to anything or any ideas for fun and cheap things to do with Aiden we are always wanting to try new things.

PPS... I will miss you Robbin!